The entire world is battling with the coronavirus pandemic. Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a contagious disease. It can easily be transmitted from one person to another through direct contact or contaminated surfaces. In the United States, the pandemic has taken a heavy toll and caused a lot of damage.
Coronavirus is a pandemic and it is not going to go away anytime soon. Until we have a widely available vaccine for it, the disease will continue to infect us. There are several precautionary measures that we should take to avoid getting infected from this deadly virus. One of these is to keep our houses and offices clean at all times. Each one of us needs to understand that proper and regular cleaning can reduce the spread of this fatal micro-organism.
Life after Corona isn’t going to be the same as it was before. Therefore, we need to understand and do whatever we can to help contain the spread of COVID-19. We need to follow WHO guidelines to keep ourselves safe from getting the disease. We should make sure that our offices, homes and houses are also clean. Contaminated surfaces and objects can carry the coronavirus. Anyone who comes in contact with these surfaces may get infected.
Universal Maids is a reputed, top quality cleaning service which offers maid services, carpet cleaning, deep cleaning, rug cleaning, home cleaning, window cleaning, floor cleaning, roof cleaning etc.
House and Office Cleaning Amid Pandemic
Whether it’s a residential or office space, it should always be a healthy place. The lives of your family members as well as your employees are precious. You should take every important step to minimize health risks.
If someone is suspected to have coronavirus or shows symptoms of the disease visits your house, they can put the lives of family at risk. The same goes for a commercial space. If a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches their mouth or nose, they can get the viral infection. To reduce this health risk and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 infection, you should make sure that your house cleaning and office cleaning are properly done. Germs and dirt from every surface must be cleaned so that the risk of infection reduces.
Each room in a house needs to be kept clean. As an eco-friendly cleaning and maid service company, we specialize in high quality cleaning of kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, toilets and bedrooms. In a kitchen, the main areas and surfaces that need cleaning include kitchen bench and table top cleaning, floor cleaning, shelves cleaning, stove cleaning, oven cleaning, refrigerator cleaning, walls cleaning, window cleaning etc. A bedroom needs floor cleaning, cupboard cleaning, upholstery cleaning, wall cleaning, windows cleaning etc.
In the same way, the living room, verandah, the bathroom and toilet have their own specific cleaning requirements. In the post-corona world, house or home cleaning becomes extremely important. You should take care of it really well. Universal Maids have been offering expert janitorial and cleaning services to Garden City, Hicksville, Melville, Huntington and its nearby areas.
Offices are visited by many workers and staff. So, they need proper cleaning of every surface and corner which can be contaminated due to the touch of a COVID-19 infected person. While cleaning an office, the key areas of focus remain where surfaces are frequently touched by people. Bathrooms, common areas, ATM machines and other electronic equipment need proper cleaning.
The Need for Focused Cleaning Services
Universal Maids has a lot of experience and expertise to perform all kinds of effective cleaning services in homes and offices. To remove contaminants and reduce the spread of the coronavirus infection, our company has uniquely trained all the professionals and staff in different types of residential and commercial cleaning techniques. Our cleaning staff works with a lot of dedication and makes sure that every area, corner and surface is properly washed and cleaned.
Whether it is rug cleaning, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, furniture cleaning or sofa cleaning, we use modern tools and techniques to complete the cleaning process. On a regular basis, we also conduct cleaning of the equipment and tools that our staff and maids use.
During house cleaning, we pay special attention to those areas that are touched too often. Some of these surfaces are door knobs, tabletops, counters, light switches, bathroom fixtures, tables, keyboards etc.
Whether it is home cleaning or commercial cleaning, our services are top-notch and fully satisfying. We follow best industry practices and always focus on minimizing your risk and exposure. We use well-trained maids for cleaning porous such as rugs, carpeted floors, drapes etc. If shaken, dirty laundry may carry the risk of dispersing the contamination further into the air. Therefore, our cleaning staff gives such items a good wash, instead of spring cleaning.
At Universal maids, we use a variety of well-tested equipment and tools to conduct the cleaning process in an effective manner. Depending on the nature of the surface being cleaned, our maids can use towels, clothes and disposable wipes. While the chances of getting the COVID-19 infection is still here, the manner in which cleaning is done is of utmost importance. Surfaces need to be cleaned in a way that there are no chances of recontamination. The S-shaped pattern for cleaning works quite well here, as it removes the chances of recontamination.
Not much is known about how long coronavirus can survive on surfaces. If it is the same as other coronaviruses, the survival period can range from a couple of hours to a few days. There are some other factors which could extend or shorten the survival period of the coronavirus.
How long the coronavirus will remain active depends on the temperature and humidity of that area. According to a recent study, the virus can live for a period of 71 hours on surfaces made of plastic or steel. If the surface is cardboard, the virus doesn’t survive for more than a day.
The structure of coronavirus is very fragile. It can stop to function, once exposed to heat or detergent washing.
Rising Demand for Professional Cleaning Services
The coronavirus outbreak has people everywhere concerned about keeping their living and working spaces from contamination. At the same time, the crisis situation has put a heavy burden on the shoulders of cleaning companies. A large number of people are using professional maid services.
The ultimate job of a home or office cleaning company is to reduce health risks. So, we try to reach and clean every possible surface. When homeowners and businesses call a cleaning company, they actually trust the service provider to perform an excellent job and enhance people’s safety. At Universal Maids, we understand the seriousness of house cleaning, and our staff are highly committed to clean spaces for enhanced safety. So, be confident that we’ll do a great job.
Universal Maids is a reputed, well-known cleaning company which abides by the EPA and CDC guidelines. To contain the spread of coronavirus and make re-opening safe, the EPA and CDC have updated their guidelines. By following these cleaning protocols, we ensure the safety of you and your family as well as those working for you in an office or commercial establishment.
The coronavirus outbreak has created an urgent need for those cleaning and maid services that are professional and take their job very seriously. These are unprecedented times and cleaning staff needs to be very dedicated. Tasks like deep cleaning can take several hours. It is important to reach every area or corner which could be contaminated.
Besides being highly committed, the cleaning maids and staff also need to follow the safety guidelines themselves. That’s why we have updated and improved our training and protocols. We make sure that each one of the cleaning staff and janitorial cleaners we send to clean your space is well-trained. They are up-to-date on the use of the latest safety equipment, device and tools.
Top Home Cleaning Tips
Life after Corona needs more attention and care. It is always a good idea to pay heed to what some of the most experienced cleaning professionals have to say. While you raise your personal hygiene standards, you should pay serious attention to keeping all areas of your home as clean as possible.
According to experts, you should –
- Clean your homes more frequently than before
- Focus on the kitchen and bathroom
- Pay attention to highly-touched surfaces and points
- Use high quality cleaning products
In the post-corona world, you need to make some changes. Home cleaning only once a week is not enough. To reduce the risk of infection, you should try cleaning the areas in your home more often. At all times, you need to make sure that no dirt or germs or other organic matters accumulate on surfaces. During house cleaning, attention should be paid to those areas which have frequent use.
Kitchen cupboards, kitchen tabletops, doors of refrigerators, door handles and taps are high-touch items. This means that they can also easily get contaminated. And when they do, it can spread very fast among those who use these items. So, it is extremely important that you identify all such frequently touched areas and keep them clean. While home cleaning should be paid serious attention, you should also improve your personal hygiene.
Do not cough or sneeze without tissue. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water – particularly before eating and after using the toilet. Whether it’s personal hygiene or cleaning of home, you need to do it more often and without recontamination. In the post-corona life, it is important to thoroughly clean your homes and office spaces. Proper cleaning will make the areas and surfaces in your homes free from any kind of contamination.
Most of the transmissions happen when an infected person comes in contact with another person or group of people. The risk of transmission through surfaces is very low, but it can never be ignored. If anyone has visited your house recently, you should go ahead and give all areas a good cleaning. Since coronavirus can live on many plastic and metal surfaces, it is always advisable to frequently clean all highly-touched areas and surfaces.
Make cleaning a routine task. Whether it is window cleaning, carpet cleaning, floor cleaning, furniture cleaning, sofa cleaning, upholstery cleaning or cleaning of highly-touched surfaces and items, get them done first. If you are pressed for time or looking for professional cleaning, you should definitely seek the consultation of a reputed cleaning company like the Universal Maids. We are a cleaning service with multiple years of experience in cleaning homes, offices and retail spaces among others. An experienced cleaning company can perform all small and big cleaning tasks in a professional and effective manner.
If you plan to clean your home or office yourself, you should gather more knowledge and tips on how to use them properly. If you lack cleaning experience, you could easily leave out many key areas and surfaces that may have contamination. To perform this task yourself, you can simply use soap and cleaning agents and give the surfaces and areas of home a thorough cleaning. When using soap and water, you will need to work hard and do some scrubbing.