Cleaning has always been a top priority for homes, apartments and offices. To live a healthy life, cleaning should be done properly and on a regular basis. Just like you stick to personal hygiene standards, you should also make sure your residential space is neat and tidy. Whether it is the furniture, walls, floors or the windows and mirrors, you should clean them regularly. Of course, cleaning But cleaning your house on a regular basis demands physical effort. But a clean home helps you stay healthy and make you feel positive and energized.
Just like other areas and spaces in your home, the windows and mirrors also gather dirt and dust over time. Dirty windows don’t just put your health at risk, but they also prevent sun beams from coming inside. Due to dust on the mirror, the visibility through windows is also reduced.
That is why proper attention must be paid to the cleaning of windows and mirrors in your home. If the windows are thoroughly clean, there will be no risk of catching any kind of infection due the presence of pathogens and germs on the windows. While people keep their houses and apartments clean, many of them either ignore or they forget to clean the windows and mirrors. So, the next time you start cleaning your home, do remember to give the windows a thorough clean.
Given below are some useful tips and trips you can use to make the cleaning of windows and mirrors effective and easy.
1. Do the Cleaning on a Dry Day
If it is raining, sunny or windy, put off the cleaning to a later date. Always do the cleaning on a dry or cloudy day.
The blazing sun makes cleaning hard. No matter which cleaner you use, it dries up fast due to excessive heat of the sun. If the cleaner gets dry before you even wipe off the mirrors, the entire purpose of cleaning is defeated. As a result, you will have bars or streaks left on the mirrors, which is hard to remove. That is why, you should always try to perform the cleaning on a dry day and start cleaning the windows and mirrors from the side where there is shade. In this way, you will be able to clean windows and mirrors in a proper manner without any streaks.
2. Keep All the Essential Supplies at Hand
Before you start cleaning, make sure you have all the essential supplies in place first.
All the cleaning agents should be there with you when you begin. You cannot stop it half way as cleaners get dry and leave many spots behind. This will consume extra time, cleaners and physical effort.
To clean windows, you should have the following:
- Squeegee
- Squeegee wet cover
- Cleaners (You can make your own solution)
- Dry cloths
Make the cleaning solution in a bucket using water and dishwashing soap. Don’t forget to cover window sills with clothes as cleaning agents can damage wood. If a squeegee cover is available, you can take a clean piece of cloth and attach it to the squeegee.
Dip the squeegee in the liquid and apply on the window. After applying the solution, remove the cover from the squeegee and let it dry well and drag it again on the window to remove the liquid solution. At the end, take a dry piece of cloth to soak excess water, especially in the corners and along the window sills.
To clean mirrors, you should have the following:
- Vinegar
- Water (Distilled water is preferable)
- Spray bottle
- Microfiber cloth
Take a spray bottle. Now, form a mixture in the bottle using water and vinegar. Here, you should remember not to spray the mixture on the mirror surface directly, as doing so will leave streak marks behind. The process will become lengthier and you will need more time for cleaning those marks. The trick is to spray the solution on the microfiber cloth and then wipe the mirror with it.
3. Use the Right Cleaner
Getting the right kind of cleaners is key to proper and thorough cleaning of windows and mirrors. In the market, you will come across a variety of cleaners, each of which serves different purposes. Water-based cleaners are popular and they are used in cleaning various items in homes. However, these cleaners come in a wide variety. The strength of these cleaners is determined by its pH level.
Some of the water based cleaners are as follows:
- Water-Based
- Acids
- Alkaline
- Disinfectants
The pH level of cleaners ranges between 1 – 14, where pH7 is said to be neutral. If the cleaner’s pH level is less than 7, this is more acidic. For more alkaline cleaners, you should choose one which has a pH above 7. However, you are going to need a lot of cleaning solutions for your windows and mirrors. Buying from the market will prove to be very expensive as a result. The best tip is to make your own cleaning solution at home using water and dishwashing liquid.
Or you can take 2 tbsp of ammonia, ½ cup of alcohol and ¼ of dishwashing liquid for a better version of homemade cleaner.
4. Sweep Dust and Dirt First
Since windows and mirrors attract plenty of dust and dirt over time, you should not start applying cleaners on them straight away. For effective cleaning, you should first remove the dust and dirt with a dry cloth.
If dust and dirt are not removed first, you’ll have a thick mud when cleaner is applied. This will make cleaning very difficult. Always cover the window sills as the mud gets stuck into it. Also, if you don’t sweep out the dust and start rubbing it with the squeegee, it can leave scratch marks on the surface. Mud contains water or cleaner and if it settles into the sills, the wood can get damaged.
5. Wash Windows and Mirrors
Don’t worry, if you can’t make a chemical cleaner at home. Just wash the windows and mirrors with plain water.
However, always remember to use a microfiber cloth as it is ideal for washing.
Using rags or sponge leaves is a surefire way to leave streaks on the mirrors.
If you have lint and streaks left behind, all your cleaning efforts will be wasted.
Therefore, keep microfiber cloth at hand and use it to properly wash the windows and mirrors for effective results.
6. Use Erasers to Give the Windows a Bright Shine
Everyone of us knows what a blackboard eraser is. What you may not know is that it comes in handy when cleaning windows and mirrors. So, before you start the cleaning, make sure you have this available. After you are done with all the rubbing and cleaning with coffee filters, use the eraser to dry the dirty windows as well as mirrors. This will remove streaks and give a brighter shine.
7.Seek Professional Help
If you lack time or have a busy working schedule, you should hire professional cleaners for perfect cleaning of windows and mirrors.
Seeking professional help is highly recommended, as it brings a number of benefits for homeowners. Professionals have deep knowledge and experience of a wide range of cleaning methods. They remain equipped with a variety of top quality cleaning products and tools. Above all, they follow all the necessary precautions to carry out the cleaning in an effective and safe manner. A cleaning company will identify what your specific cleaning needs are and then perform the job exactly as you want to deliver remarkable and highly satisfying results.
Get in Touch with Professional Cleaners
If you are in search of a professional cleaning service and haven’t found one yet, you should head straight to the Universal Maids, Operating in Melville, MI, and Long Island, the company has built a solid reputation in house cleaning services, windows and mirror cleaning, deep cleaning etc. The best part is that you can have them clean your home, office or apartment on a day and at a time you choose. We can serve your cleaning needs as per your own schedule so that your work doesn’t suffer in any way. Our service is high standard and transparent.
If you are located in Melville, Hicksville or any area across the Long Island, give our office a phone call. Have a discussion with our professionals and get a free estimate in advance. We are awaiting your call.